The gearbox is an essential part of any automobiles and machines since it operates in handy with the driveshaft and clutch to modify an engine output. Getting an excellent gearbox will help in achieving a smooth transition in varying motorways. We can help you find the perfect transmission for any machine models to save a substantial amount of money. Selecting a gearbox can be quiet challenging due to the numerous varieties available to choose from, but a wrong decision could cost you a lot. We have compiled a review of several models along with some main specifications to look for when buying a second-hand gearbox.

Review of the Best Second-hand Gearboxes
The used twin disc MG509 is a perfect gearbox ideal for marine equipment to help in propulsion. It comes with a flexible coupling, an 11.5-inch rubber block drive with an aluminium ring that ideally aids in transmitting torque from one shaft to another even when misaligned. It also has a mechanical control input, and other specifications include 235 HP and 1800 revolutions per minute. We also have the well checked and refurbished Masson NGR marine gearbox with 480 HP, 1800 RPM, mechanical controls, and an 18-inch flexible coupling. The ZFW3200 used gearboxes features electronic controls, 828 HP, and operates in a large number of marine equipment by purely electronic means with lower emissions. It’s a high energy-saving transmission with increased efficiency in productivity.
Caterpillar (PTO) is well known for an exceptional 80 HP operating power, ease of operation, leading durability, and manually operated shifting options. The ZF 2050 1A is a direct or marine mount transmission suitable for high-performance applications with 1800 RMP, and 751 HP. It’s compatible with multiple propulsion systems and engines, guaranteeing long life and smooth running. Reintjes WAF 260 is a suitable high-speed gearbox for marine operations with a 311 HP and electrical controls offering a faster and seamless gear shifting times. The Advance D300A marine gearbox guarantees high power transmission with the 540 HP, and mechanical controls to provide higher efficiency. It’s also light in weight and facile to maintain due to the ease of dismantling and reassembling.
Twin Disc MG-5062V is a lightweight and compact marine transmission with a 430 HP and mechanical controls ideal for optimal vessel performance. Twin Disc MG-516 will exceed your expectations in marine transmission performance with 600 HP, automated controls, and 14-inch couplings for flexible installations. Twin Disc SP111-HP3 (PTO) features 80 HP and 2200 RMP, which creates a perfect application torque capacity for marine applications. It has mechanical controls that allow for more frequent and smooth engagement. The Twin Disc MG-6690 SC has electric controls, a 1514 HP, and an 18-inch flexible coupling perfect for exceptional productivity in marine machines. If you choose the Twin Disc MG-5091, it comes with a 275 HP, 1800RMP, and mechanical controls perfect for light, medium, intermediate, and continuous duty operations.

Buying Guide for a Second-hand Gearbox
If you wish to save on costs while purchasing a gearbox, we guarantee a high-quality option at an affordable price. Additionally, we provide guidelines to help you choose the best transmission that perfectly suits your machine model. First, ensure that you check the mileage by running a verification analysis from the donor machine or ask for the records that show the year of purchase. Choose the newest model or one with low mileage as evidence of how much life is left in it. Do a thorough check for leaks that could cost you on repairs. You can check on the transmission fluid levels to see if there any signs of drips after a given time. Also, do a visual inspection for any signs of cracks or damage to the gearbox. Go ahead and ask for the transmission history to determine any risk factors. You can also scrutinize the automobile’s body for any signs of collision or lots of bodywork that indicates involvement in a fatal accident.
To determine the perfect gearbox model for your machine, you need to establish its service factor based on the daily application periods, and vibrations involved during application. It will be best if you ask for the warranty details and determine whether it covers both labor and parts to know if it suits your needs. Also, perform a test on a transmission bench to confirm if it shifts seamlessly on all gears. In case you don’t have sufficient know-how about used gearboxes, you can ask for assistance from one of our experts to ensure that you choose a perfect option.

Based on your specifications, we provide the best gearbox solutions that fit your machine models at a fair price. The above guideline outlines various considerations that you can make before purchasing a gearbox and a clear review of several models to guide you through.